
韩屋住宿设施端暻的含义是“光明的开始”。这个名字表现出了全州人礼仪端正、懂得关怀他人的心性,也蕴含了主人希望来端暻入住的客人也能成为懂礼貌和懂得关怀他人的人的心愿。 端暻是1943年6月建造的韩屋,虽然经历了光复、朝鲜战争和近代化等激变的岁月,却一直维持着原貌。拥有70多年历史,不仅原型未受到损坏,还蜕变成设施便利、更加优美的样子,让到访全州韩屋村的人都能领略到它的风姿和气度。在端暻入住的客人都会感觉自己变成了文质彬彬的书生或大家闺秀。 韩屋入口处的白桦树花坛和院子里的枫树、梅花树让人感受到季节感。正屋的端室、响室、暻室及厢房的别室和茶室在地板上铺着木头,淡淡的木香令人心旷神怡。院子对面坐落着画廊,除了展示艺术作品外,还设有客人可以吃早餐或喝茶和咖啡的休息空间。画廊屋顶是专向住客开放的特别空间,在这里能够将全州韩屋村的景色尽收眼底,可以一边享受美景,一边轻松地喝一杯。


* 阿弥陀佛的传说而来, 莲花寺 * 莲花寺位于鸟致院西边约2公里的地方,寺庙整体背靠丘陵面朝西方。1988年被指定为传统寺庙,1987年修建了保护阁并在1999年修建了五层石塔和石灯旁还修建了摆放珈蓝的无量寿殿、三圣阁、廖舍。 法堂由前面三间、旁边两间所组成,里面摆放释迦摩尼佛像、观世音菩萨佛像、大势至菩萨佛像、阿弥陀佛像等。 现位置与古代的寺庙地无关,原有瓦葺一洞法堂,但从中发现宝物第649号的"戊寅铭石佛像附台座"后,从而得到文物管理局的支援,改良成传统韩式的瓦葺(屋顶用瓦片接缝)。"戊寅铭石佛像附台座"是长方形的石头,侧面是上窄下宽的梯形模样。专家推测这是统一新罗时代的作品。还奉安了宝物第650号"七尊石佛像"。这尊佛像与碑岩寺石像、正安面石像一起成为了世宗市地方古代美术的版图的作品。听说现在莲花寺的创建人洪文燮做梦中挖出了两尊石佛像,并把石佛像带到此地建造了寺庙。 




休汽车旅馆(Hue Motel)位于全北群山市,就在长达33km的新万金防潮堤前,视野极为良好。走进入口,就能看到宽敞的停车场和旅馆大楼,高档现代的外观令人印象深刻。客房分为炕间和床间,拥有多种大小的客房。旅馆还拥有双人间和双人大床间,适于家庭游客及商务游客入住。客房内部宽敞,设施优秀,装修温馨,提供舒适的休息空间。旅馆邻近群山机场和群山沿岸客运码头,交通便利,驱车奔弛在旅馆前方延伸的新万金防潮堤上,感受美妙绝伦。


2015年12月25日开始到2016年1月17日,在江原宁越郡东江一带将举行“2013宁越东江冬季庆典”,以“冬季宁越的趣味回忆”为主题进行的本次庆典准备了多种多样的活动。 设置了冰上钓松鱼,狗拉雪橇,4轮摩托车各种体验活动。并且还有父母和孩子可以一起参与的雪橇、打陀螺等韩国传统游戏体验。活动场周围还有很多小吃街以及土亭祕訣(提前了解一年期间的好事和坏事)等附带活动。


与音乐一起创造特别的一天为主题的 将于8月15-16日在汝矣岛63大厦会展中心举行。



江原道(江陵市) , 春川




首尔(松坡区) , 首尔东部

Experience the Heartbeat of Hallyu: Join the 2024 SHARING & TOGETHER K-POP Concert for a Spectacular Musical Odyssey! Be Where the Music Lives: Secure Your Spot at the 2024 SHARING & TOGETHER K-POP Concert – A Fusion of Talent, Passion, and Purpose! Get ready to be part of the most anticipated event of 2024, the "SHARING & TOGETHER" K-POP CONCERT, proudly presented by Trippose.com! This electrifying concert is set to take place on January 12th, 2024, at the SK Handball Stadium in the heart of Seoul's Olympic Park, marking a significant milestone in K-Pop's global journey. The "SHARING & TOGETHER" K-POP Concert, organized by the renowned HeartDream, boasts a glittering lineup, offering a unique opportunity to witness the top K-Pop idol groups leading the Hallyu wave. This year's lineup includes the phenomenal ZEROBASEONE, RIIZE, HIGHLIGHT, BamBam (of GOT7), Hwasa (of MAMAMOO), CRAVITY, VANNER, and n.SSign, ensuring an unforgettable experience of top-notch K-Pop performances. This concert is not just a musical event; it's a celebration of K-Pop's growth and prosperity in the global market. With the aim of attracting 10 million K-Pop tourists in 2024, the concert signifies the opening of a new era for K-Pop tourism. The event will span two days, with the first day featuring idol groups from the second to fifth generations of K-Pop, ready to engage and thrill the audience. The lineup includes beloved groups like Highlight, who debuted in 2009 and continue to be a leading boy group in K-Pop; BamBam and Hwasa, who have been showcasing their talents in both group and solo activities since their debut in 2014; along with Cravity, Banner, Ensign, Zero Base One, and LaiZe. The event will be hosted by the multi-talented entertainer Lee Seung-gi and the rising star actress Chae Jenny, adding an extra layer of excitement to the show. In a move that reflects the heart of K-Pop, the "SHARING & TOGETHER" Concert is set to be a charity event. The proceeds, after covering production costs, will be donated to support underprivileged and vulnerable communities, making this concert an event with a cause. Don't miss out on this epic celebration of K-Pop culture. Book your tickets now on Trippose.com and be part of this incredible journey towards the global prominence of Korean pop music. 2024 SHARING & TOGETHER K-POP Concert Line-up: ZEROBASEONE(ZB1 · 제로베이스원 · ゼロベースワン), RIIZE(라이즈 · ライズ), Highlight(하이라이트), BAMBAM(뱀뱀), Hwasa (MAMAMOO), CRAVITY(크래비티 · クレビティ), VANNER(배너), n.SSign(엔싸인) ※Lineup Subject to change / ※ 出演者は変更になる可能性がございます。予めご了承ください。/ ※ 根據主辦方或出演ARTIST的情況,演出時間可能發生變更。 / ※ 根據主辦方或出演ARTIST的情況,演出時間可能發生變更。 ※Only individuals of foreign nationality aged 15 and above are eligible for purchase. Tickets will be released upon verification of your passport or Alien Registration Card (ARC).   Individual On-site Ticket Exchange (Please pick up your ticket directly at the 'Trippose.com' ticket booth on the day of the concert) Olympic Park Seoul(SK Handball Stadium / SK핸드볼경기) *Address: 424, Olympic-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea(서울특별시 송파구 올림픽로 424) *Transportation: 7-minute walk from Exit 3 of Olympic Park Station (Ollimpikonwon, Olympic Park) on Subway Line 5. ※ Regarding ticket collection: If the location of the ticket booth changes, we will notify you on this page. Please ensure to check in advance on the day of your visit. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation. ※Please look for the ticket booth designated for foreigners with the "Trippose.com" logo attached. *Ticket booth hours  12:00 - 16:00(Local time) *14:00 - 16:30  Present your voucher and passport at the concert venue's ticket booth to exchange for your ticket. *16:00 - 17:00  Wait to enter after lining up for admission. *17:00  Enjoy the "2024 SHARING & TOGETHER K-POP CONCERT" K-POP performance! *21:00  Disband on-site after the concert ends. ※LATECOMERS : Should this prove impossible because all the side seats are occupied, latecomers will unfortunately not be admitted to the concert, and their ticket prices will not be refunded. [Ticket booth only for the foreigner] -you can check change your ticket the each vendor site with X-banner logo(Trippose.com). HERE(Google Map)! -Change your ticket at the designated at the foreigner exclusive ticket booth certainly.  ★This ticket is to be sold as a set and no item will be sold seperately. ★No cancellation & amendment after booking confirmed​ *How to Receive : Please present reservation confirmation mobile voucher after reservation voucher, identification (passport or ID card) and distribution. / Appointment E-mail not available. *Note : You will not be able to enter the concert after the closing time of the concert, so please observe the ticket receipt time and arrive in advance so that there will be no disruption in your position. ※Cancellation policy: non-refundable​   Notice ​※ Advance tickets for foreigners will be collected at the ticketing counter You need to bring your ID card (passport, alien registration card, copy of passport or at least one ID card issued by your country) Please bring it with you. If there is no such document, ticket exchange is not possible.           ​※ If you lost or damaged your ticket, it is your fault. The ticket will not be reissued and you cannot enter the concert without a ticket. ※ The concert will be broadcast live, so many cameras will be there. Because of cameras, your view could be blocked.  ※ After the concert starts, you could be not permitted to enter. ※ For safety and security, any food and drink except water will be prohibited in the concert venue.  ※ If you disrupt others’ view with a tripod or a large camera, you could be restricted by the staff. ※ When you make a reservation, please leave a contact form to be able to contact you locally. ※ Be sure to present your voucher. You cannot present reservation mail. ★This ticket is to be sold as a set and no item will be sold seperately. ★No cancellation & amendment after booking confirmed​ ※ If you book a ticket illegally or if you are a Korean, your booking will be automatically cancelled and you cannot get refund on your ticket fare. ※ Please note that tickets for this event are non-refundable and cannot be canceled for any reason. We do not accept inquiries regarding refunds. ※본 티켓은 외국인 전용 예매 티켓입니다. 여권 또는 외국인등록증을 통해 본인 확인 후 티켓이 발권됩니다.(한국인 티켓 수령불가) ※부정 예매나 해당 대상이 아닌 경우(내국인), 예매는 강제 취소되며, 환불 또한 불가능합니다. ※Cancellation policy: non-refundable   ​ ※Emergency contact number: +82-10-6787-1516(Contact available on the day of the performance only / 仅在演出当天可联系 / 公演当日のみ連絡可能)  

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