


“东悬崖”这个地名是将“东边”与“悬崖”这两个单词合成而成的。其中悬崖的发音是统营的方言,前面加上“东”就成了”东悬崖“。 蓝色统营21促进协议会从2007年10月开始在全国募集于东悬崖路上画墙画的人们。这些人在村里的矮墙、路边等所有地方画上了墙画,从此海边的小村子焕然一新。东悬崖村的几十条小路上都布满了墙画,而村子与天相接,变成了童话里的村庄。此外,从村子里看江口岸,风光也十分秀丽。  




Petra Palace是位于首尔梨泰院洞的一家中东餐厅,销售地道的地中海料理,提供给客人美味、新鲜、健康的菜品。



京畿道(利川市) , 利川




江原道(束草市) , 江陵

新起点(New Start)雪岳度假村位于江原道束草雪岳洞国立公园入口处,周边景观优美,静谧幽清。规模宏大的双层度假建筑前后都是宽敞的停车场,度假村周围,红松如屏风般环绕,松香弥散,若隐若现。客房分为普通间和单元公寓型客房,内部装修高档,整洁舒适,提供舒适的休息空间。附属设施方面,度假村拥有室外烧烤场,可在束草终点站接站。邻近雪岳山、束草海滨浴场、洛山寺、大浦港、东明港、尺山温泉等,驱车5~15分钟可达。度假村周围还有很多有名的餐厅,可以到这里品尝一下江原道的风味小吃。

首尔() , 首尔东部

▲ 2022 KIMHYUNJOONG CONCERT Offline performances and online live streaming services will be held at the same time. Kim Hyun-Joong's 3rd regular album 'MY SUN' deals with the story of what 'lights me up', which he has been thinking about while enduring the difficult Corona era, and is a tribute and simple confession to his family, friends, and fans. to be. This performance was planned to express his sincerity contained in all the songs in his 3rd regular album through the stage. Singer Kim Hyun-joong, who has returned with a regular album, will hold a domestic concert at YES24 LIVEHALL. This concert can be viewed both online and offline, and you can enjoy all the songs from Kim Hyunjoong’s 3rd regular album 'MY SUN'. *Performance name : 2023 Kim Hyun Joong Concert *Performance date : March 4th, 2023 (Sat) 7pm *Venue : YES24 LIVE Hall Contents of performance open notice ※Cancellation policy: non-refundable   ​ 16:00  Pick up at Myeongdong Station(Subway Line 4) Exit 3(※ Follow the instructions of the field guide to avoid damaging others. Please be sure to keep your boarding time and assembly time.) ▶▷HERE(Google Map)!        16:50  Arrival 17:00  Entering the concert hall 18:00  Enjoy ' 2023 KIM HYUN-JOONG CONCERT' 21:30  Return Shttle bus point(※Attention : If not take bus on time, bus will leave directly!!) 22:30  Myeongdong Station(Subway Line 4) Exit 3 Seats: 1st Floor (seats with a good view of the stage) ※ Please be sure to board in time, as damage will occur to others after the departure time. Please arrive at 20 minutes in advance.   Notice * Advance tickets for foreigners will be collected at the ticketing counter You need to bring your ID card (passport, alien registration card, copy of passport + at least one ID card issued by your country) Please bring it with you. If there is no such document, ticket exchange is not possible.              ※ If you lost or damaged your ticket, it is your fault. The ticket will not be reissued and you cannot enter the concert without a ticket. ※ The concert will be broadcast live, so many cameras will be there. Because of cameras, your view could be blocked.  ※ After the concert starts, you could be not permitted to enter. ※ For safety and security, any food and drink except water will be prohibited in the concert venue.  ※ If you disrupt others’ view with a tripod or a large camera, you could be restricted by the staff. ​※ Please be sure to board in time, as damage will occur to others after the departure time. Please arrive at 15 minutes in advance. ※ Vehicles are offered for 12, 25, or 45 passengers depending on the number of passengers. ※ When you make a reservation, please leave a contact form to be able to contact you locally. ※On-site first-come-first-served basis (no designated seats) ※Check your voucher and ID before boarding the vehicle. (Mobile, printed voucher available) ※ Be sure to present your voucher. You cannot present reservation mail. ★This ticket is to be sold as a set and no item will be sold seperately. ★No cancellation & amendment after booking confirmed​ ※ If you book a ticket illegally or if you are a Korean, your booking will be automatically cancelled and you cannot get refund on your ticket fare. ※본 티켓은 외국인 전용 예매 티켓입니다. 여권 또는 외국인등록증을 통해 본인 확인 후 티켓이 발권됩니다.(한국인 티켓 수령불가) ※부정 예매나 해당 대상이 아닌 경우(내국인), 예매는 강제 취소되며, 환불 또한 불가능합니다. ※Cancellation policy: non-refundable   ​ ※Emergency contact number : +82-10-6787-1516      

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宝物第46号古都里石佛立像,是距离200m间相互对望的2座石像,各自高424㎝,梯形模样的石柱上刻有脸、手等。关于佛像有一个爱情纠结的传说,两个男女石像一年内只有在阴曆12月时可以见面一解相思之苦,清晨鸡啼时又得回到各自的位置。 石像头顶上有四方形的冠,冠上又有四方形的罩子。四方形的脸上刻有细长的眼睛、短鼻、小嘴,这是民俗守护神的表情。脖子非常短,脸与肩膀几乎黏在一起。身体没有曲线,也没有将脚表现出来,手则是画在肚子上。衣服上没有特殊花纹,仅以几条线来表现。依据高丽时代製作的众多石像上极为节制的身体表现,这个佛像也是其中的一个作品。