Special Korean History Education in Incheon 1 Day Experience Tour
Incheon is the largest city in the West coast of Korea with a population of over 3 million people, which is located whithin an hour’s distance from the capital, and has rich history and culture. Incheon’s dolmens were designated as an UNESCO World Heritage and it was also the first city in Korea to have opened up its doors to the world in 1883.
Incheon is Korea's first open port and at the center of modern history. In 1883, when Jemulpo Port was opened, Japanese style streets were established starting from the Qing - Japanese Concession area Boundary Stairs climbing to Jayu Park near Jung-gu Office toward the direction to Sinpo International Market. It is historically worth seeing because it is possible to look at the unique style of architecture of Japan such as traders and hotels built 130 years ago. Today, many buildings are transformed into museums and exhibition centers for tourists to understand and feel that time. Also, there are many cafes and gallery cafes that made use of the architecture of 130 years ago where tourists can enjoy walking trip.
Walking Tour
Walking Tour course is a sightseeing program under the guidance of an erudite commentator who has sufficient competency and knowledge about cultural heritage and historic site.
인천대학교 Incheon National University
INU welcomes students from all over the world. INU is one of Korea's premier universities and our commitment to preparing global leaders makes INU a great place to study for students from all around the world.
et’s Learn Korean at Incheon National University, Korea!!
* Incheon National University is located in the city of Incheon, about 20 kilometers west of Seoul. Incheon is the third largest city in Korea, with a population of approximately 3 million people.
* The only national university in Incheon with more than 13,000 undergraduate and 1,500 graduate students
*Our Experienced faculty with M.A. or Ph.D. degrees are committed to providing the quality Korean language education you deserve.
* The University provides Korean language program with 4 terms a year, 10 weeks a term with 200 instructional hours, 5 days a week, 4 hours a day.
*Every year, over 700 language students from about 20 countries study Korean at INUKLI
팸투어 후기 경품 이벤트 참여방법(투어참가자 전용)
1. 트립포즈(www.trippose.com) 회원가입
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※외국어 해시태그 필수 : #인천관광 #인천 #인천개항장 등 3개 이상
※Trippose.com URL남기기 : https://www.trippose.com/tour/event-incheon
3. '2019 인천 개항문화 역사에듀투어 상품개발 팸투어 후기 경품이벤트' 페이지 하단 후기글 남기기
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4. 우수 후기글을 선정하여 경품 제공 예정입니다.
경품 목록 : 서울랜드 자유이용권(4명 / 1인 2매), 인천 씨매르 스파권(2명 / 1인 2매), LG생활건강 오휘 화장품세트(2명 / 1인 1세트), 넌버벌공연 파이어맨 티켓(15명 / 1인 2매), 강화 루지 2회 왕복권(4명 / 1인 2매) 및 한지 공예 거울(6명 / 1인 1개)
※관광지 티켓 사용 유효기간 : 2019년 12월 31일
※경품 전달 장소 : 인천대학교 팸투어 담당자를 통해 전달
5. 결과발표 : 2019년 11월 30일