
用一杯茶静养身心 茶疗,顾名思义就是用茶来养病和保健的疗法。游客可在这里品尝各种用韩药材制作的茶,还可以通过芳香疗法来检查健康状态。芳香足疗和韩方茶制作等活动也深受人们喜爱。


从首尔行驶西海岸高速道路1小时30多分左右,即抵达可观察美丽候鸟生态的世界级候鸟栖息地─与安眠岛相对望的忠清南道瑞山浅水湾一带。1984年因围海造田工程于浅水湾一带设置防波堤后,形成两个人工淡水湖─看月湖与浮南湖。看月湖(A地区)是位于瑞山市与洪城郡(内陆方向)间,浮南湖(B地区)是位于瑞山市与泰安郡(安眠岛方向)间的人工淡水湖。此湖水形成后,过去泥滩地区变成大单位的农耕地(6,400公顷)。浅水湾一带因坐落于候鸟主要移动路线的海岸上,且受海洋性气候的影响,10月至3月月均温比内陆地区高1.2℃左右,加上附近有种稻的大面积农耕地,秋收后剩下的穀物可成为冬季候鸟们的主食等拥有作为候鸟栖息地的适当条件,因此成为世界级候鸟栖息地。 候鸟一般将海岸或大江、湖水、山脉等做为路标迁徒,浅水湾拥有大面湖水与宽广的农地等适合作为候鸟路标的优良条件,且位于从北部西伯利亚或东北地区等地飞往东南亚地区的候鸟迁徒路线的中央位置。 因上述条件,浅水湾成为东亚候鸟迁徒的中间栖息地,不仅一年四季皆可观赏到各种候鸟,还可在同一地观赏到200馀种的候鸟。 冬季会有30余万只的鸭、雁类候鸟来访,特别是可在浅水湾看到全世界90%以上的巴鸭群,此外还可发现白鹳、黄嘴琵鹭、赤嘴天鹅、灰丹顶鹤等多种濒临绝迹的候鸟踪迹。因栖息浅水湾的候鸟数量多且种类多样,使浅水湾跃升成为世界级赏鸟景点,备受美国、日本等全球赏鸟爱好者的瞩目。 优雅展翅飞翔于湖面上的白鹭、拍著小小翅膀努力振翅飞翔的巴鸭群、在农田内到处觅食的琵鹭等,候鸟的体型、颜色、体态、习性等都各有各色。运气好的话,还可观赏到数万隻候鸟同时飞舞的壮观场面。但是没有赏鸟经验或相关知识的一般旅客欲来访浅水湾的话,事先必须做好基本准备。首先因是自然生态旅游,必须抱持著保护环境、爱惜鸟类的心,且由于候鸟生态以肉眼难以观察,需准备双目镜或望远镜等观测装备,另外为了解是何种候鸟,也需要准备鸟类图鉴。 ※ 观察候鸟时注意事项 1) 候鸟通常多在清晨破晓与太阳西下时移动觅食,建议于此时段观察候鸟,且此时段最可清晰听见候鸟的叫声。 2) 由于鸟类的视觉与听觉非常发达,建议勿穿著太显眼的颜色(红色、黄色、白色等),并注意勿跑跳以及控制音量。 3) 禁止拍照时大声呼喊、喇叭、丢掷石头等行为。 4) 在公车或汽车内观赏候鸟的话,可不影响候鸟更近距离、有效率地观察候鸟生态。

首尔(钟路区) , 仁寺洞・钟路

<Palace Pass Usage Notice:> 1. When exchanging tickets, you must present your reservation voucher and passport (or foreign ID). Reservation confirmation emails will not be accepted. 2. By purchasing a ticket, you agree to the performance guidelines. These guidelines may be updated or changed based on the event circumstances. Please review the guidelines before the event to avoid any inconvenience. K-Royal Culture Festival 10th anniversary 2024(10th) K-Royal Palaces PASS Exchange Ticket (T-money Card) *Unlimited Access During Period Royal Culture Festival *Korea Palace Gung Pass Discover Korea’s Royal Heritage with the Ultimate Palace Pass! 1. Enjoy unlimited access to the five major palaces (Gyeongbokgung, Changdeokgung, Deoksugung, Changgyeonggung, Gyeonghuigung) and Jongmyo Shrine (excluding Changdeokgung Secret Garden). 2. Experience the enchantment of Gyeongbokgung Palace with exclusive one-time night entry! 3. Use the pass as a T-money card for seamless travel on Seoul’s subways and buses, with 3,000 KRW preloaded. 4. Step into the world of your favorite K-dramas by visiting these iconic  palace sites. 5. Essential for the K-Royal Culture Festival in October 2024, the grandest traditional event in Korea. 6. Collect this limited edition card adorned with captivating Korean designs. Detailed Introduction of K-Royal Palaces PASS The K-Royal Palaces PASS allows unlimited special access to the 5 major palaces in Seoul (Gyeongbokgung, Changdeokgung, Deoksugung, Changgyeonggung, Gyeonghuigung) and Jongmyo Shrine during the K-Royal Culture Festival in Fall 2024 (for 5 days). (Excludes Changdeokgung Secret Garden). The pass also includes a one-time night opening admission to Gyeongbokgung Palace, giving you a chance to experience the palaces vividly portrayed in K-dramas. Enjoy various programs like performances and experiences showcasing the new charms and historical value of the K-palaces using the K-Royal Palaces PASS. Additionally, the pass includes a 3,000 KRW credit for use on buses and subways, and can be used at various locations where T-money cards are accepted, such as convenience stores. Prepare your K-Royal Palaces PASS in advance to make your upcoming fall trip to Seoul more enriching and fulfilling. Basic Information about the K-Royal Palaces PASS - Usage Period: October 9 (Wed) - October 13 (Sun), 2024 (5 days) - Available Locations: The 5 major palaces (Gyeongbokgung, Changdeokgung, Deoksugung, Changgyeonggung, Gyeonghuigung), Jongmyo Shrine Contents Included in the K-Royal Palaces PASS 1. Unlimited entry to the 5 major palaces (Gyeongbokgung, Changdeokgung, Deoksugung, Changgyeonggung, Gyeonghuigung) and Jongmyo Shrine. 2. One-time admission to Gyeongbokgung Palace night opening:    - Available once during October 10 (Thu) - October 13 (Sun).    - On October 9 (Wed), night opening is available only for those wearing Hanbok due to the K-Royal Culture Festival special event.    - The "Gyeongbokgung Palace Night Opening Ticket" will be provided along with the K-Royal Palaces PASS (physical ticket).    - Submit the "Gyeongbokgung Palace Night Opening Ticket" at the entrance of Heungnyemun Gate. 3. A must-have for traveling in Korea! T-money card with 3,000 KRW credit:    - The K-Royal Palaces PASS functions as a T-money card usable on all subways and buses in Seoul.    - Includes 3,000 KRW credit.    - T-money card purchase cost (2,500 KRW) + 3,000 KRW credit.    - T-money usage guide (ENG): [T-money Guide](https://pay.tmoney.co.kr/ncs/pct/ugd/ReadFrgnGd.dev) 4. Discounts on cultural products and traditional Korean cuisine:    - 10% discount at "Sarang" cafe in the palaces and Incheon Airport!    - Discount period: October 9 - October 13, 2024.    - Show your K-Royal Palaces PASS on site. ("Korea House" requires advance reservation).    - Cafe "Sarang": [Sarang Cafe](https://kchfstore.or.kr)    - "Korea House": [Korea House](https://www.kh.or.kr/kh/eng) Value of the K-Royal Palaces PASS 14,500 KRW / 5 major palaces entrance fee 9,000 KRW + transportation card 2,500 KRW + 3,000 KRW credit)  K-Royal Palaces PASS Collection Information - October 9 (Wed) - October 13 (Sun), 2024, from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. - The K-Royal Palaces PASS cannot be collected outside these hours.    Collection Items - One K-Royal Palaces PASS - One Gyeongbokgung Night Opening Ticket    Collection Location for the K-Royal Palaces PASS - Location: Comprehensive Information Center of the K-Royal Culture Festival at Gyeongbokgung Palace (next to Gyeongbokgung ticket office). - Address: 161 Sajik-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul (Subway Line 3, Gyeongbokgung Station, Exit 5). - Present the reservation holder's ID (passport) and reservation confirmation (or QR code) at the location below. - The reservation confirmation should include the reservation number, reservation holder's name, and quantity. ▲ Images from the spring 2024 K-Royal Culture Festival. How to Use the K-Royal Palaces PASS - Entry Method: Just show the K-Royal Palaces PASS. - Unlimited entry for 5 days from October 9 (Wed) to October 13 (Sun), 2024. - Some events, like performances, require separate reservations. - Event information will be updated on the official website (www.chf.or.kr/fest/en/).   Major Events at the K-Royal Culture Festival The K-Royal Culture Festival provides a special opportunity for foreigners visiting Korea to participate in elegant and interesting historical and cultural programs, promoting Korean cultural heritage and cultural capacity internationally. Information on event times and pre-registration can be found on the official website one week before the festival starts (www.chf.or.kr). (Schedules are subject to change).         [Experience] (Gyeongbokgung) 10th Anniversary of K-Royal Culture Festival “Hanbok Royal Banquet (Yeonhyang)” (Oct. 9 / Gyeongbokgung Palace / 19:00-21:00) A special day at Gyeongbokgung Palace! Enjoy the celebrations of the festival’s 10th anniversary in the dress code: Hanbok. Gyeongbokgung Palace Hanbok Yeonhyang is complete with the beauty of Hanbok in the evening at the palace. [Experience] (Gyeongbokgung) Gyeongbokgung Palace Royal Tailor (Sangeuiwon) (Oct. 9-13 / 10:00-17:00) The Joseon royal tailor, Sangeuiwon of Gyeongbokgung Palace, returns! Learn about the history of traditional attire through needlework experiences with Korea’s certified intangible heritage artisans, beautiful exhibitions, and unique reenactments. [Exhibition] (Gyeongbokgung) Beautiful Hanbok Photo Exhibition (Oct. 9-13 / 10:00-17:00) See Hanbok photos taken at the five major palaces and Jongmyo Shrine at Gyeongbokgung Palace's Gyeojodang Hall! Enjoy 50 award-winning Hanbok photos from the photo contest. [Exhibition] (Changgyeonggung) Changgyeonggung Moonlight Lotus Show (Oct. 9-13 / 19:00-21:00) Experience media art in the palace that blends light, the palace’s natural scenery, and cutting-edge visual technology. Enjoy the beautiful scenery of Changgyeonggung's Chundangji Pond harmonized with water and light. [Performance] (Changgyeonggung) (Palace Concert) Classical Meets Traditional Music (Oct. 9-12, 13:00, 16:00) Experience a special crossover performance at Tongmyeongjeon Hall, the queen's bed chamber and venue for Joseon Dynasty court banquets. We invite you to a K-concert where traditional Korean music (pungryu), classical music, and traditional dance crossover at Netflix’s “Kingdom” film location, Tongmyeongjeon Hall. [Experience] (Online) Genre Painting for All (Sep. 13-Oct. 27) Create your own digital character in beautiful Korean palaces. Likened to the genre painting style of the painter Kim Hong-do of Joseon Dynasty, the 2024 Genre Painting for All lets you create and show off unique characters! (Access page: pungsokdo.com) For more information on the K-Royal Culture Festival, visit the official website. * Official Website (ENG): [K-Royal Culture Festival](https://www.kh.or.kr/fest/en)   K-Royal Palaces PASS Cancellation and Refund Policy - Free cancellations are available until 11:59 PM on October 7 (Mon), 2024. - After the free cancellation period, no changes or refunds will be possible. Important Notes for Visiting the Five Palaces - All areas within the palaces are non-smoking zones. - Food, flammable materials, and recreational equipment are restricted in heritage protection zones. - The pass cannot be collected after the operating period ends. - There are two designs of the pass, which will be distributed randomly based on stock availability. - Detailed information about the pass can be found on the official website: [Royal Culture Festival Official Website](https://www.chf.or.kr/fest/en/)


以俗离山国立公园为中心的俗离山观光特区拥有秀丽的自然景色和完备的休养设施。海拔1058米的俗离山作为韩国八景之一的名山,山峰高大、溪谷风景旖旎。从法住寺起,设有可欣赏到俗离山各种绝景的多种登山路线。 俗离山国立公园附近建有大量的住宿设施,法住寺、书院溪谷、万寿溪谷、松香公园等景点也值得走上一遭儿。此外,在俗离山内还可见到飞鼠、日本小勾儿茶等珍稀动植物,称其为自然界的宝库也毫不为过。 俗离山观光特区交通便利,便于前往。有连接韩国东西方行驶于唐津~盈德间的高铁,距清州国际机场也仅有30分钟的车程。因此,这里除本国人外,也非常方便来自中国、台湾地区、新加坡等地的外国游客前往参观。 俗离山国立公园随季节的变换会举行俗离庆典、俗离山丹枫歌谣节、俗离山登山节等活动,特别是在秋天的丹枫季节,来此游玩的游客总是络绎不绝。 * 俗离山观光特区现况 1) 范围 : 忠清北道报恩郡俗离山面舍乃里、上板里、中板里、葛目里 2) 面积 : 43,745,528㎡ 3) 观光特区指定日期 : 1997年1月18日 * 俗离山观光特区设施现况 书院溪谷、法住寺、万寿溪谷、华阳九曲、俗离山天王峰、文藏台、三年山城、松香公园等





光教山是水原市和龙仁市分界线上的一座山,山势平缓。经过光教水库,沿散步小路爬到山顶,需要1个小时左右。在山顶上可观赏到四周美景。 山前是光教水库,沿水库有一条1.9公里的漫步路,非常适合恋人游览。




位于庆尚南道密阳市的“我们戏剧研究所-密阳演剧村”(旧 月山小学)建于1999年,是有李允泽艺术导演主导的演习团体在此开发修建的,拥有500个席位的林中剧场,120个席位的室内剧场,周末剧场等,每年将定期在周末剧场上表演40~50次的精彩表演,游客来此不仅可以亲自观览各种表演,而且还能和演员做近距离交流,还可以参观这里的特色舞台制作所、服装间、企划室、录音室、练习室等设施

仁川(江华郡) , 江华岛

位于仁川江华郡内可面黄清浦口路的江华岛黄清钓场是溪谷型贮水池,水面积约2万3千餘坪、平均水深为2.5m~4m、最高水深超过15m,主要鱼类有鯽鱼、鲤鱼、香鱼、韩国鯰鱼、冰鱼。 另外这里为了让游客可以享受度假,还设有民宿与组合屋,也有餐厅与商店。